Monday, March 31, 2008


Well, this is my blog. I know it’s not much to look at now, but I will do my best to make sure that there is regular content posted. Now, I assume that you are wondering why I have started this blog. If not, I will tell you anyway. Please feel free to file this knowledge in the appropriate place.

For years, I have enjoyed writing. I even showed a modest skill for it back in my high school days, way back in the ‘90’s. Unfortunately, I never parlayed my “talent” for it into something useful. I planned to go back to college (I didn’t finish) and had grand plans on having my craft honed for a job in radio or some other media form. I blamed various distractions on the derailing of my plans, but as I got older I know that what really stopped me from going back was simply fear. I was afraid to go back because if I failed again, then what was left for me to do? I got comfortable just working, and not having to worry about homework. So fear and comfort in my situation put a pause on things. Laziness also had a part in it too.

So I shuffled on, working and doing well for the most part at the various jobs I have had, but still I felt unfulfilled. Skipping forward a few years, a friend from work suggested I start a blog. I looked into it, and here we are. School is still an option, and I actually looking into that as a possibility now.

As for content, my interests vary. I may talk sports, movies, television or video games. These subjects will be mostly opinions, not necessarily a review of the mentioned topic, though I will not rule that out. And as always an opinion is not fact, but your personal views on a topic or subject. We may not always agree on a topic, but an opinion can never be wrong... right?

Some more about me:

- While I do enjoy watching television, but I don’t really do the reality TV thing. If you like your American Idol or Flavor of Love, fine. I am just not a fan of it (and yes I have watched some of the shows; opinion is forthcoming).
- I enjoy Japanese cartoons, (normally called anime) but I am not a nerd about it.

- I play video games to relax. Sometimes the games themselves can add an amount of stress to my day that I didn't need, but on the whole it is just for relaxing. As for the violence in the games, I have opinions on that too, which will be coming later...

- I am a single guy with no children. I work in a Customer Service oriented field. And I obviously have a lot of time on my hands.

Well, that is enough of a hello, I think. I hope that what I post here is read and enjoyed by all.