Thursday, August 28, 2008

Short Story

I no longer know what is wanted from me. I have no where else to go and no one to turn to. It’s almost exactly like he said everything would happen to me.

“You will be lost, utterly and totally, in every sense of the word”, he said. “It will be at that point, you will have to seek me out.”

How I hated him for being so prophetic… but he did have a point. I was basically a rudderless ship now, and I needed to do something to correct my situation. If I go to him, it will turn out that he was right, and I can not live in a world where he was right. That was unacceptable.

Oh, wait. There was another choice I could make. One that I chose, not him. One that will get me out my present predicament, even though the solution is of a more permanent variety. Did I really want to go to that extreme, though? Just to “stick it” to someone? Sure I hate him, with the white-hot intensity of 1,000 suns, oh how I hate him, but really; will that step truly be necessary?

I was in a quandary now. Before I felt that I only had one choice, now I actually have 2. This changes everything. I feel a new confidence, a veritable “can do” feeling, as it were. And the quandary was short lived, as I had now made my decision.

I saw the object of my hatred, and he too saw me. A look of smug satisfaction plastered on his face, he felt that he had me right where he wanted me, and if this had been moments earlier, he would have been correct. But I had a new choice now, and staring at him defiantly, I showed him how it was me that won this face off, not him.

“No need to order those socks for me, I’ll just go somewhere else.”

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Questions and Obeservations...

If you never know what you want ‘til it’s gone, did you ever really want it in the first place?


-Track and Field: how long before Jamaica is declared ineligible due to being too fast?

-Equestrian: some horses have been accused of ‘doping’. The horses are accused?

-Ping-Pong, Table Tennis, and Trampoline: These are considered Olympic events, but they are going to eliminate softball and baseball?

-Did China tell anyone that they found the Fountain of Youth? Apparently they are only giving the water to the females on their gymnastic teams, as those 16 year old girls look about 10 years old…

-Both the men’s and women’s USA basketball teams have been rolling over their competition. If they played each other, would the women still win by 45?

Why is it when you feel at your lowest, someone wants to talk to you about how great their life is?

Why do politicians say that they will not engage in mud-slinging, when that is all that they base their campaigns on?

The Dark Knight made almost half a billion dollars at the box office in the US. If there is a deficit, it’s because Batman’s got all our money…

Instant replay may become a large part of baseball. Doesn’t the game move slow enough already?

Why do some people send a text message to your cell phone, and then call you to say the exact same thing?