Saturday, May 10, 2008

...the more things stay the same.

Today I am going to complain a bit. This complaint is based on the fact that I was lied to, by my parents and all of the other adults that I had contact with when I was a youth. They all told me that the world was a different place when you are grown up. They told me that the other grown ups that I’d be working with were responsible and that the things I thought were petty now would be left behind, becoming a fond, twisted memory of sorts.

Yeah, that didn’t happen.

After I graduated from high school, I was looking forward to college, and my adult life that was on the horizon. I found out that college was just like high school with all the clicks and annoyances, now with more alcohol. I was a little disappointed, but figured that as the population was only just removed from the h.s. environment, it would be a few more months before we all matured.

I didn’t finish college, so maybe I missed the bus that took you to mature land.

I started working and figured, surely the people here, out in the working world. would be the ones that are now mature and slightly sophisticated, as I had been told, lo these many years.


Clicks are still alive and well in the workplace. You have the cool guys, the dorks, the outcasts, they are all here for your viewing pleasure. Do you ever escape the clicks? Am I truly doomed to witness this for the rest of my life?

I guess when you think about it, things could be worse. I hear the clicks in prison are a lot worse...

I apologize for the gap in posts. Life got a little complicated and GTA IV has been taking up a large amount of my time. I will say that GTA IV is fantastic, and I highly recommend the game to any who has played a video game. I also caution that the game is made for adults, not your 9 or 10 year old kid. So if you buy the game for them without doing your homework, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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