Monday, June 1, 2009

Steve - Conclusion

By this point, it’s been a really long day.

The General wanted me to be some kind of secret weapon for him (see, I told you that scientists and the military were not good). He told me that if I was a true patriot, that I would just man up and do my duty. I asked him if that speech ever worked for anyone and what did he know about my uncle. The general just looked at me and told me that he’d tell me everything that he knew, but I had to go with him. I decided that I didn’t want to know that bad, so I turned around again and started to walk away. He didn’t chase after me or even have the soldiers that stayed with him try to shoot me in the back. It’s not like it would have done any good anyway.

I was Death. How do you kill Death?

On my walk away from the General, I saw the other soldiers that carried War away loading him into a helicopter. The scientist that told me how lucky I was and all that was there with them, and he looked over at me. He didn’t say anything (which was good, because I was too far away to hear it and the helicopter was pretty loud) but I could see his face. He was afraid when he looked at me. The first time he saw me, he was fascinated, but now I could see fear in his face.

Wonder what that means?

I watched to helicopter fill with the remaining soldiers and lastly the General, whose face had not fear on it, but maybe contempt, I guess. I’m sure that eh was mad because I didn’t choose to go with him and be whatever it was he wanted me to be. But I didn’t really care. I needed to figure out what I was going to do, why hitting War felt so good and so wrong, and what was I going to do about the other two Horsemen? Should I do anything?

That was 15 year ago.

Now, I am a 27 year old fighting not only the army, but 3 other Horseman of the Apocalypse. At some point over the years, War tracked down the other 2 and got them to join the cause. How the General is keeping them form “the work” is anyone’s guess. Maybe I’m more of an issue than I thought. I moved out to the desert to avoid as much loss of life as possible. I found out over the years that I can be killed, but it has to be done by all three of the other Horsemen. The army is in on the fight mostly because the General has the President’s ear and her being a religious nut, I have been branded not only a terrorist, but a threat to the American way of life and God himself, and must be “eradicated from all planes of existence” as the President has been saying for the last few years. I figured out that I initially felt wrong about my fight with War due to us being related in a way. But just because we were related, both forces of nature or agents of chaos, it didn’t matter. I already had one dysfunctional family and I was not going to be a part of another one.

They managed to track me down again, just like they always do. The 3 Horsemen stopped talking to me as much as they used to. No more speeches, just violence. They attack, the army attacks, there are explosions, screams the whole nine. It all ends up looking like a Michael Bay movie. I win enough to get away, find some other desert hole to hide in, and they lick their wounds, track me down and we do it all again.
I don’t know why I haven’t killed them yet. I know that I can, but on some level, I guess I am just having too much fun.


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