Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I begin this by saying that I feel all politicians, no matter what they say, have their own agenda. Be it a ridiculous financial windfall when they get out of the office that they hold, or are using the topic of the moment to fuel some type of agenda. But I do believe that they should at least have a chance to prove that their campaign platform was not full of lies on top of falsehoods.

Since the President has been in office, there have been all kinds of representatives from the Republican Party and other conservative venues (FOX) that have jumped out of the woodwork to criticize him at every turn. I understand that this is the nature of politics in any arena, but seriously? The country is in the shape that it is in due to 8 YEARS OF REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP!!! Republicans were voted out of office because of the mess that was created by them, for reasons truly only known to them. Now a Democrat is in office trying to make changes to something that can not be fixed overnight (the economy) and every move he makes is touted as ‘wrong’ or ‘damaging to the country’.

Maybe the President doesn’t have the answers. Maybe his ideas are incorrect and won’t pan out. But he and his officers deserve the chance to try and repair the mess made by those in office before them that were too greedy to care what was going on or to stupid to realize what was happening.

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