Thursday, January 21, 2010

State of the Blog for 2010

Hello all. 

I would like to wish you a Happy New Year, and no it's not too late to do that.  It's still January, so it counts.

This post is mainly to inform you of some changes to this blog.  As this is a new year, I have decided to make some changes in the way that I do some things.  I am going to attempt to post at least twice a month, most likely once every other week.... starting in February.  Life happens, so I may not be as able to post as often as I want (or even have anything worth saying) but I figure that every other week is a schedule that I should be able to keep.  The type of posts will still be the same, for the most part.  I am also in the planning stages of a re-design of the blog page itself, though I do not know how long that will actually take. 

What you will no longer see on this blog are stories of various lengths or any more poems.  That stuff will be posted to a new blog that will be dedicated to those things only.  Once I have what I feel is enough content, I will let everyone know that the page is up and available for viewing.

To those who have been visiting and hanging in there with me, thanks.  I hope that you like what you have seen and see in the coming months.

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