Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Idle Thoughts

James Cameron has the top 2 highest grossing movies ever, Avatar followed by Titanic.  Both movies have made billions of dollars.  Maybe now Cameron can make a movie about how the US economy gets better, and then that movie could make billions too.  Then the government would have a plan that they could follow.

The Winter Olympics start this weekend.  Millions of people will be glued to their TVs watching Curling, and have no idea what the hell is going on.

Downloaded music, movies and video games are supposed to be the wave of the future, replacing physical media.  All of that downloaded content is saved to a hard drive of some sort.  What happens if that had drive crashes?  Would I really have to buy all that stuff again?  Or, after downloading it to my drive, am I considered a pirate if I back it up on a disk?

If Superman was less than super one day, could you sue him for false advertising?  

The TV show Lost is in its final season.  Good.  Cause it's awful.*

Movies in 3D is a fad.  Again.  What makes a come back next?  Good music?  

*I tried watching the first 3 episodes of Lost when it first started.  The show just didn't grab me, and I found that I hated all of the characters.  For those who love it and will miss it, I am sorry for your loss.  But not really, cause it was awful.

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