Thursday, July 21, 2011

Looking to the Future

The summer movie season is just about over, and I have to say that it has been a tad disappointing.  While I have enjoyed Transformers 3, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and Thor, I still feel short-changed. I know I still have Captain America and Cowboys & Aliens to look forward to, but this summer just felt kind of... lacking. Summer used to be the go to time for Hollywood, when each week there was a new movie to see. And the movies were blockbusters! Films like Sucker Punch and Battle: Los Angeles would have been locks for a summer release in the past but after seeing them both, moving them to earlier in the year was probably the best move, considering the competition they could have faced.

But with summer films about to ride into the sunset, what's left? Do I just hibernate until next April or May? I say thee... NAY! Here are a few movies that I am looking forward to for the remainder of this year starting with:

August - 

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: When I first heard about this movie I was on the side of "Why in the hell are they doing this!?" But after seeing the trailers, I have to admit that my curiosity has been piqued. Hoping to see some apes kill James Franco in very painful ways.

Colombiana: Zoe Saldana killing guys and looking sexy doing it. Hell, if the movie just had her reading a cereal box to herself, I would still pay $10 to see it.

September - 

The Killer Elite: JASON STATHAM! CLIVE OWEN! Hopefully Robert DeNiro channels the character he played in Ronin and not some of the other crap he has been in lately.

Moneyball: Film based on the book about the Oakland A's manager that puts together a great team on a shoestring budget ("shoestring" by professional sports standards)

The Thing: I'm still on the fence for this.  Liked the original, loved John Carpenter's remake.  This movie is a prequel, not a remake.... I hope it's good. I really do, especially since this wasn't necessary to make.*

December - 

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol: I loved the third one, and from the trailer Brad Bird's live action debut looks pretty good. 

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: The first one was just plain fun. Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law had great chemistry and I am glad to see them return. Also nice to see that Guy Ritchie was more than Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch (not that those films were not great, just nice to see that he can also do a good action film).

* = I know that no movie is truly necessary. But when you decide to make a prequel to a classic movie whose remake is also a classic, there is a lot to live up to.

Thanks to Trailer Addict for the movie trailers

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