Friday, February 24, 2012

So.... yeah.....

I'm back... again.  It has been difficult to get back on this horse, but I am determined to try again.  Why do I keep trying you ask? Mostly because I am an idiot.  But also I just refuse to let something that I actually like to do (like watching movies, stalking Melinda and eating raw quail) fall by the wayside. This return to a regular posting pace (let's say once a month and if there are more frequent posts.... hooray!!) also includes something new... mainly this

I will always look to post a rant, rave or opinion on this site (summer movies!... video games!... sports!... books?... random opinions no one has asked me about!), but you will see less short stories. But that is, again, because of this.

And oh yeah, watch this space too...

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