Friday, March 2, 2012

Needing a Dislike Button…

… but first, a quick note: part 2 of THE poem of the 21st century has been posted here. You can read the first part over there somewhere as well. You're smart, I know you'll find it. Now, on to this week’s post.

While chatting away at work today, the conversation turned to movies. Due to the very real chaos that was taking place in the country due to a tornado outbreak, the movie Twister was brought up. And that is when my co-worked Dave brought up the subject of hating actors or in this case, actresses. Per Dave, he says that he doesn’t hate actors so much, as he is more likely to believe what a man tells him. But a bad actress is the worst. He also brought up how he hates going to the movies (for reasons that I have to say I have never run across) but we will get to those another time.

Per Dave, here are his 3 top hated actresses, in the order that he mentioned them:

3. Joan Cusak – “She is the worst! John Cusak was amazing in the 80’s, and then there she is, ruing all of the movies that she is in.” (I was able to get Dave to say that she wasn’t bad in Grosse Pointe Blank.

2. Helen Hunt – “Oh, my god she’s just terrible. She is so unattractive and untalented… just awful.”

1. Julia Roberts – “She always plays the same part, trying to be innocent or sweet. Bullshit! She’s not nice, and that crap she tries to pull on screen is fooling no one.”

While I cannot say I totally agree with all of Dave’s points (I think Helen Hunt can look ok from certain angles and in certain light), this did bring up a question for me… were there any entertainers that I disliked or hated as much as Dave?

Yeah, I suppose there are.

To remain similar to my co-worker, I will name my top 3 and the reason for it.

3. Terrence Howard – He is always friggin’ crying. For one reason or another there is always a tear running down his damn face. I swear that he was crying during his role in Iron Man too. And there was no reason at all to cry in that movie.  Maybe that’s just how his voice is, always on the verge of breaking. Either way, get him outta here.

2.  Tim Burton – It didn’t start out as dislike. Batman and Edward Scissorhands were fine. But then the movies kept coming and they just all seemed the same; weird, misunderstood and quirky characters being quirky and weird…. got nothing else to show me, Tim? No? Then stop it.  But maybe it wasn't all his fault. Maybe it was the Danny Elfman score that made everything seem the same. Or Johnny Depp always being there.

1. Everyone involved with the Twilight movies/books. – I have never seen the movies or read the books, but the entire concept just annoys the crap outta me. Those books/movies just show that no matter how cool a concept that you have, it can be ruined for no reason at all. Vampires and werewolves, brooding all over the place, whining in high school… isn’t high school terrible enough? Why add that crapfest on top of it? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just made Adam cry.