Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Disturbance In The Force...

This week a new teaser was released for the seventh movie in the Star Wars trilogy, Episode VII: The Force Awakens. It was a good teaser, doing what teasers are supposed to do, which is elicit excitement for the films release later this year. And pretty much everyone who watched it (if you can believe what you read on the internet and Twitter) was excited. 

My sister had a different perspective on the teaser.

Now, my sister is in her 30's and saw all of the movies in the original trilogy. She did like them, as far as I can remember. My sister also is a film fan, calling Goodfellas, Ghostbusters, Old School and the Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy among some of her favorites. What follows is our conversation about the new trailer.

Sis: Did you see that they released the new Star Wars trailer?
Me: Yeah, I watched it a few times. I want to see more of the story, but it looks really good!
Sis: Yeah I guess... Did you see Harrison Ford?
Me: Yup. It was cool to see him as Han again.
Sis: He looks old as shit...
Me: (laughing a bit) What?
Sis: They should of put a beard on him or something... cause that muthafuka is old. And there's Chewie, standing next to him lookin' all regular...
Me: Well, are you gonna go see it when it comes out?
Sis: ffffuuuuuuck no. Taj (her son, my nephew) will want to see it and I might just drop him off and go see something else. 
Me: But you saw the other ones...
Sis: I didn't see the last 3 movies.
Me: No, the original 3 were episodes 4, 5 and 6... this is episode 7 so it happens right after Return of the Jedi.
Sis: Junal, I don't care about their lives... Luke all talking about the Force being strong in his family... SHUUUUT UUUUP. Maybe that's why his family dynamic is so jacked up. 

So if you were someone that was searching for a different perspective on the Star Wars hoopla, hopefully that helped.

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